September 8, 2018 Alumni, Faculty, People, Research, Solving Problems In the media By CEnREP affiliates’ research and extension activities highlighted this summer in national and regional media outlets. a
September 8, 2018 Faculty, People, Research summer conferences By CEnREP affiliates made the most of their summer attending international and national conferences this summer. a
June 22, 2018 Alumni, Environment, Faculty, Land Use, Non-market Valuation, People, Policy, Research, Solving Problems, Uncategorized ORV research in NCSU Economist By Roger H. von Haefen, associate professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, co-authors guest post in NC State Economist on new... a
May 29, 2018 Agricultural Economics, Faculty, People, Research, Solving Problems ZB- Science By CEnREP affiliate Zack Brown and NC State co-authors publish new research in Science. a
May 16, 2018 Faculty, People, Research, Solving Problems FIEGES By CEnREP affiliate faculty member co-hosting NC State graduate education symposium. a
April 16, 2018 Faculty, People, Solving Problems ARE 495-JH By New course in Rural Economic Development, offered by CEnREP affiliate in the 2018 Maymester. a
March 15, 2018 Econometrics, Environment, Faculty, People, Research, Water CEnREP Welcomes New Faculty Affiliates By CEnREP welcomes two new faculty affiliates. a
March 15, 2018 Faculty, People, Solving Problems PA598/798-Galik Fall 2018 By Christopher Galik offers new energy policy course in Fall 2018. a
March 15, 2018 Faculty, People, Solving Problems 715/716 Flyer By CEnREP Affiliates team teach two field courses in natural resource economics and management in 2018-2019 school year. a
February 15, 2018 Faculty, People Zack Brown dean’s enrichment award By Zack Brown wins CALS Dean’s Enrichment Grant Award a
February 15, 2018 Faculty, People, Solving Problems Economics of Climate Change Seminar By Harrison Fell on panel to discuss the economic costs and benefits of climate change. a