
Workshops | Special Workshops

To provide leadership in outreach programs, CEnREP scholars advise and train policymakers and practitioners by organizing educational and training workshops. CEnREP has conducted the following workshops:

Optimization for Natural Resource Management Workshop
North Carolina State University
June 20-24, 2011

2010 W2133 Annual Meetings
Tuscon, Arizona
February 25-26, 2010

Training Workshop on Micro-Econometrics in Environmental Economics
Washington, D.C.
May 28-29, 2009

Triangle Resource and Environmental Economics Workshop
JC Raulston Arboretum, NC State University
September 27 & 28, 2007

Revealed Preference Beyond Markets: Micro-Econometrics in Environmental Economics
Research Triangle Park
October 20 & 21, 2006

Benefit Transfer: Practical Economic Analysis For Policy
Research Triangle Park
February 7 & 8, 2001

Past CEnREP Colloquia

Spring 2020 Schedule

CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Fall 2019

September 27

Casey Rozowski, Ph.D. Student in Economics, NC State University

“Pollution and Mortality: Estimating Damages Using Pollutant Specific Abatement Technologies”

October 18, 3rd year student short presentations

Sunjae Won, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Electric-Vehicle Subsidies and Emissions Distribution”

Daniyar Zhumadilov, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Effect of Power Plants on Local Crop Yields”

November 8, 2nd year student paper presentations

Richard Li, Ph.D. Student in Economics, NC State University

Avery Dobbins, Ph.D. Student in Economics, NC State University

November 22

Serkan Aglasan, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Econometric Analysis of Unexpected Injury Events in Bt Corn Fields: Is There Any Genetic Resistance to Bt Corn?”


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Fall 2018

September 28

Faraz Usmani, Ph.D. Candidate in Environmental Economics, Duke University

“Fracking, farmers, and rural electrification in India”

October 5

Laura Villegas, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Land Use Planning for Flood Risk Reduction: The Economic Argument”

October 26

Sasha Naumenko, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Spatial and Temporal Dimensions to the Value of Recreational Fishing”

November 30

Nino Abashidze, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Solar Farms and Surrounding Property Values: An Empirical Analysis”


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Spring 2018

January 19

Lee Parton, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“To Build or Not to Build: Housing Supply Responses to Climate Change Policy Uncertainty”

February 2

Hyeongyul Roh, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Wind Generation, Inefficiency, and Market Power in Electricity Markets: Counterfactual Prediction with Dynamic Neural Networks for Causal Inference”

February 9

Andrew Grieshop, Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil, Construction & Env Engineering, NC State University

“Cleaning the Kitchen? Field Research on Interventions to Address Household Air Pollution in India and Africa”

March 16

Longzhong Shi, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics, NC State University

“Controlling for Unobserved Preference Heterogeneity and Site Characteristics in Recreation Count Data Demand Systems”

April 13

Erin Sills, Professor of Forestry and Environmental Resources, NC State University

“Enabling Local Governments to Respond to a Federal Environmental Mandate: Evaluation of the Green Municipality Program in the Brazilian Amazon”

April 20

Zack Brown, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, NC State University

“Prices, Peers, and Perceptions: Field experiments in improved cookstove adoption in Ghana”

April 27

Wenyuan Tang, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NC State University

“Empirical Mechanism Design for Demand Response Programs”


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Fall 2017

Friday, September 15

Raymond Guiteras, Assistant Professor, Ag & Resource Economics, NC State University

“Demand Estimation with Strategic Complementarities: Demand for Sanitation in Bangladesh”

Friday, September 22

Derek Lemoine, Associate Professor, Economics, University of Arizona, Location: 216 Scott Hall

“Designing Dynamic Subsidies to Spur Adoption of New Technologies”

Friday, October 20

Eleni Bardaka, Assistant Professor, Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, NC State University

“Transit-Induced Gentrification: Causal Identification, Spatial Spillover Effects, and Equitable Transit-Oriented Development Solutions”

Friday, October 27

Matthew Johnson, Post Doctoral Fellow, Duke University

“Does Cleaning the Air Affect Workers’ Health? How Firms Manage Multiple Regulatory Demands”

Friday, December 1

Maggie Monast, Manager, Sustainable Sourcing, Environmental Defense Fund

“Conservation in Agriculture: How Economics can Generate Greater Investment”


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Spring 2017

Friday, January 27

Moon Joon Kim, Ph.D. Candidate-Economics, NCSU

The Effects of Transboundary Air Pollution from China on Ambient Air Quality in South Korea

Friday, February 24

Justin Baker, RTI International

Potential Complementarity between Forest Carbon Sequestration Incentives and Biomass Energy Expansion in a Deep Decarbonization Policy Environment

Friday, March 17

Marwa Salem, RTI International

Multi-cropping and Acreage Response: The Case of the Central-West Region of Brazil

Friday, March 24

Jane Harrison, Coastal Economics Specialist, NC Sea Grant and Sasha Naumenko, Ph.D. Candidate-Economics, NCSU

Socioeconomic Analysis of the Atlantic Menhaden Fishery: Using Economic Data to Inform Fisheries Management Decisions

Friday, April 28

David Solis, Ph.D. Candidate-Forestry and Environmental Resources, NCSU

Impact of Inspections on Compliance with the Forestry Law in Peru

CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Fall 2016

Friday, September 9

Laura Taylor, Professor, Ag & Resource Economics, NCSU
Water Use in the Landscape: A Comparison of How Irrigation Technologies and Water Quality Influence Behavior

Friday, September 23

Harrison Fell, Associate Professor, Ag & Resource Economics, NCSU
Fuel Prices, Restructuring, and Natural Gas Plant Operations

Friday, October 14

Jonathan Lee, Assistant Professor, Economics, East Carolina University
Electric Utilities’ Prolonged Reliance on Coal: The Impact of Marketable Coal Combustion Byproducts on Fuel Switching

Friday, October 21

Christopher Galik, Assistant Professor, Public Administration, NCSU
Modeling Landowner Behavior and the Implications for Preexisting Conservation Policy

Friday, November 4

Lawson Connor, Ph.D. Student, Economics, NCSU
Grower responses to spillover effects from large-scale adoption of transgenic pesticidal corn in the Philippines

Friday, November 18

Natasha James, Ph.D. Student, Forestry and Environmental Resources, NCSU
The Impact of Targeting on Participation in Costa Rica’s ‘Payments for Ecosystem Services’ Program


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Spring 2016

Friday, February 19

Mike Kilgore, Professor, Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota

Family forest land ownership patterns and characteristics: Implications for stewardship, management and use

Friday, March 18

Alejandro Lopez, Feldman of the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (Center for Research and Teaching in Economics), Mexico City

Remittances and Natural Resource Extraction: Evidence from Mexico

Friday April 15

Lee Parton, Ph.D. student, NC State University

Measuring the Impact of Greenway Infrastructure: Evidence on Heterogeneous Demand for Environmental Amenities

Friday, April 29

Yu Wu and Hyeongyul Roh, Ph.D. candidates, Economics, NC State University

Yu presented “Drivers of Deforestation in the Western Brazilian Amazon” and Hyeongyul presented “Dynamic strategies for managing stochastic insect resistance to transgenic crops”


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Fall 2015

Friday, September 11, 216 Scott Hall

Lightning Talks

Join us for “lightning talks” in which nearly a dozen faculty on campus who work at the intersection of economics and the environment, natural resources, and energy will give brief overviews of their current research and interests.


Friday, September 18, 121 Kilgore Hall

Jane Harrison, Coastal Economist, NC Sea Grant

Beach Economics: Contingent Valuation, Conjoint Analysis, and Agent Based Models Improve Beach Manager Decision Making in the Great Lakes


Friday, October 2, 121 Kilgore Hall

Wally Thurman, Professor, Ag & Resource Economics, NC State

Tax Incentives and Private Land Conservation


Friday, October 16, 121 Kilgore Hall

Paul Fackler, Professor, Ag & Resource Economics, NC State

Dealing with Catastrophe: Prevention and Adaptation


Friday, October 23, Nelson Hall Board Room (3220)

Jake Hochard, Asst. Professor, Dept of Economics, East Carolina University

Using behavioral ecology and elasticity measures for management of ecosystem services



Friday, November 13, Nelson Hall Board Room (3220)

Marwa Salem, PhD student, Economics, NC State

A Latent Class Discrete Continuous Choice Estimation of Residential Water Demand


Friday, December 4, Nelson Hall Board Room (3220)

Chris Giguere, PhD student, Economics, NC State

Efficient selective targeting: An empirical evaluation of North Carolina’s motor vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program


CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Spring 2015


Friday, January 16


Steve Dundas, Ph.D Candidate, Economics, North Carolina State University

“The Benefits and Ancillary Costs of Constructed Dunes: Evidence from the New Jersey Coast” 3220 Nelson Hall (Board Room), 12:00

Friday, February 6


Giuseppe  Fiori,  Assistant  Professor,  Economics,  North  Carolina   State   University   “Green  Policies  and   Aggregate   Investment:   Does   Capital   Heterogeneity   Matter?”   3220 Nelson Hall (Board Room), 12:00

Friday, February 27


Patty Champ, Research Economist, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station James Meldrum, Research Economist, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station

“Wildfire Risk and Homeowners: Like a Moth to a Flame?” 3220 Nelson Hall (Board Room), 12:00

Friday, March 20


Sankar Arumugam, Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University

“Improved Water Management Utilizing Climate Information: Opportunities and Challenges” 121 Kilgore Hall, 12:00

CEnREP Colloquia Schedule – Fall 2014



Friday, Sept 18

Jane Harrison, Coastal Economist, NC SEA Grant


Friday, Oct 16

Paul Fackler, Professor, Ag & Resource Economics, NCSU


Friday, Oct 23

Jake Hochard, Asst. Professor, Dept of Economics, East Carolina University Community green: exploring the feedbacks between civic engagement, environmental attitudes and conservation behaviors using an international household survey



Friday, Nov 13

Marwa Salem, PhD student, Economics, NC State



Friday, December 4

Chris Giguere, PhD student, Economics, NC State


Efficient selective targeting: An empirical evaluation of North Carolina’s motor vehicle emissions inspection and maintenance program


Past Triangle Resources and Environmental Economics Seminar Series

CEnREP partners with RTI International and Duke University to present the TREE Seminar Series.  All seminars take place on Thursday from 3:00 – 4:15 pm in Building 09/Conference Room 137 at RTI International’s Campus, unless otherwise noted below.  As papers become available, they are posted in the calendar schedule below.

Spring 2020 Schedule:

  • February 27, Fiona Burlig, University of Chicago, “Out-of-Merit Costs and Blackouts: Evidence from the Indian Wholesale Electricity Market”
  • March 5, Ariel Ortiz Bobea, Cornell University, “The Impact of Recent Anthropogenic Climate Change on Global Agricultural Production”
  • March 19, Kenneth Gillingham, Yale University
  • April 16, David Anthoff, University of California-Berkeley
  • April 30, Corbett Grainger, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Fall 2019 Schedule:

Spring 2019 Schedule:

  • January 24, Vic Adamowicz, University of Alberta, “Contracting for Ecological Infrastructure in the Panama Canal Watershed: Ex Ante Assessment of Benefits, Costs, and Capital Market Failures”
  • February 7, Nick Muller, Carnegie Mellon University, “Long-Run Environmental Accounting in the U.S. Economy”
  • March 7, Andrew Plantinga, University of California-Santa Barbara, “Can Property Rights Alleviate the Problem of the Commons? Evidence from California Groundwater Permits”
  • April 4, Peter Christensen, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, “Housing Discrimination and the Pollution Exposure Gap in the United States”
  • April 11, Namrata Kala, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “The Green Revolution and Infant Mortality in India”
  • April 18, Tom Rutherford, University of Wisconsin, “Carbon leakage under prospective state-level climate actions: Simulations from the Wisconsin National Data Consortium”
  • May 2, Sheila Olmstead, University of Texas-Austin, “The Value of Water Quality: Separating Amenity and Recreational Benefits”

Fall 2018 Schedule:

  • September 6, Molly Lipscomb, University of Virginia, “Pricing People into the Market:Targeting through Mechanism Design”
  • October 11, Erin Mansur, Dartmouth College, “The Remarkable Decline in Air Pollution from the US Electricity Sector over 2010-2017”
  • November 1, Eric Edwards, NC State University, “Bureaucracy, Delay and Pollution: A Natural Experiment in Oil and Gas Production”, Location: Cox Multipurpose Room, RTI
  • November 15, Bentley Coffey, University of South Carolina, “The Costs of Mitigating Climate Change when Growth is the Result of Endogenous Technological Change”
  • December 6, David Keiser, Iowa State University

Spring 2018 Schedule:

Fall 2017 Schedule:

Spring 2017 Schedule:

Fall 2016 Schedule:

Spring 2016 Schedule:

  • February 4, 2016, Sol Hsiang, University of California, Berkeley
  • February 29, 2016, David Popp, Syracuse University, “Environmental Regulation and Green Skills: An Empirical Exploration
  • March 31, 2016, Tatyana Deryugina, University of Illinois, “The Effect of Pollution on Health Care Utilization: Evidence from Changes in Wind Direction”
  • April 7, 2016, Kailin Kroetz, Resources for the Future, “Dynamic Efficiency Costs of Non-efficiency Objectives in Tradable Permit Programs”
  • April 21, 2016, Mary Evans, Claremont-McKenna University, “Enforcement Spillovers: Lessons from Strategic Interactions in Regulation and Product Markets”

Fall 2015 Schedule:

  • September 3, 2015, Joe Aldy, Harvard University, “Capital versus Output Subsidies: Implications of Alternative Incentives for Wind Investment”
  • September 24, 2015, Toan Phan, UNC-Chapel Hill, “Temperatures and Growth: A Panel Analysis of the U.S.”
  • October 8, 2015, Ted Miguel, University of California, Berkeley, “Experimental Evidence on the Costs of and Demand for Electricity in Kenya”
  • October 29, 2015, Lutz Kilian, University of Michigan “Understanding the Decline in the Price of Oil since June 2014”
  • November 5, 2015, Grant Miller, Stanford University
  • November 12, 2015, Rebecca Epanchin-Niell, Resources for the Future
  • November 19, 2015, Lucas Davis, University of California, Berkeley, “The Effect of Saturday Driving Restrictions on Air Quality in Mexico City”