March 15, 2018 Faculty, People, Solving Problems 715/716 Flyer By CEnREP Affiliates team teach two field courses in natural resource economics and management in 2018-2019 school year. a
February 15, 2018 Alumni, Energy, People, Research Jonathan Lee profile By CEnREP alumnus Jonathan Lee’s research evaluates policies designed to reduce manufacturing pollution. a
February 15, 2018 Faculty, People Zack Brown dean’s enrichment award By Zack Brown wins CALS Dean’s Enrichment Grant Award a
February 15, 2018 Faculty, People, Solving Problems Economics of Climate Change Seminar By Harrison Fell on panel to discuss the economic costs and benefits of climate change. a
January 11, 2018 Faculty, People, Research Brown profile By CEnREP Affiliate Zachary Brown’s recent research considers economic implications of genetically engineered pests. a
November 7, 2017 Faculty, Methods, Research Fackler webinar By Paul L. Fackler presents webinar as part of NSF’s Computational Sustainable Network seminar series. a
November 7, 2017 Energy, Faculty, Policy PA598 By Christopher Galik offers new energy policy course in Spring 2018. a
October 4, 2017 Faculty, People ECG 716 By CEnREP Affiliates to Teach Course Focused on Bioeconomics and Natural Resource Management a
August 31, 2017 Energy, People, Research SESP Faculty Hiring Completed By Faculty hiring in the Sustainable Energy Systems and Policy cluster completed. a
August 31, 2017 Alumni, Energy, People, Research CEnREP Alumni publish research on interaction of water availability and electricity production By CEnREP Alumni explore the interaction between water availability and electricity production decisions. a
March 30, 2017 People Sills award By Erin Sills inducted into Research Leadership Academy and wins research award. a