January 19, 2021 Forestry, Forestry, Research Cost of Planting, Protecting Trees to Fight Climate Change Could Jump By mmhuffm2 Planting trees and preventing deforestation are considered key climate change mitigation strategies, but a new analysis finds the cost of... a
December 21, 2020 Clean Air, Energy, Environment Benefits of Renewable Energy Vary From Place to Place By mmhuffm2 The big takeaway from the study is that the environmental value of renewable energy varies significantly. In other words, one... a
December 8, 2020 Clean Air, Energy, Environment Emissions, Transmission, and the Environmental Value of Renewable Energy By mmhuffm2 Wind-powered electricity generation has grown tremendously in the U.S. in the past decade such that it is now the country’s... a
December 2, 2020 Faculty, Water Around the Globe, Groundwater Requires Local Governance By mmhuffm2 Groundwater aquifers supply drinking water to approximately 50% of the world’s population and provide 43% of the total water consumed... a
November 28, 2020 Land Use, Research The ‘Public Good’ of Controlling Mobile Pests with Genetically Engineered Crops By mmhuffm2 Pests and weeds do not respect property lines. In agriculture, this basic fact means that farmers’ pest control decisions can... a
September 25, 2020 Environment, Land, Land Use, News, Recreation Climate Change and Outdoor Recreation By mmhuffm2 Roger von Haefen explains how a changing climate can impact recreational fishing behavior. a
September 24, 2020 Recent Publications, Research, Water In the Water-Scarce American West, Tribal Water Rights Play an Important Role By mmhuffm2 Image: Irrigation on the Gila River Indian Community in Arizona, credit NRCS Reliable access to water in the arid American... a
June 4, 2020 Faculty, Methods, News, People, Research, Solving Problems, Water Willingness to pay for in-home water filtration in rural northern Ghana By How do you determine demand for water quality improvements when monetary resources are scarce? a
March 17, 2020 Agricultural Economics, Recent Publications Investment and Irrigation on an American Indian Reservation By Investment and Irrigation on an American Indian Reservation a
March 2, 2020 Agricultural Economics, Research Join us Thursday, March 5th, at 3:00 p.m., for the next TREE Seminar By Date and Time: Thursday, March 5th, 3:00-4:15 PM Location: Building 09/Conference Room 137, RTI International Please join us for the... a
February 24, 2020 Energy, Environment Join us this Thursday, February 27th, at 3:00 PM for the next TREE Seminar! By Join us this Thursday, February 27th, at 3:00 PM for the next TREE Seminar with Happy Hour to follow! a
January 29, 2020 Faculty, People, Recreation, Research Have economics expertise, will travel: von Haefen presents research throughout China By Have economics expertise, will travel: von Haefen presents research throughout China a