October 27, 2021 Agricultural Economics, News Warmer Temperatures May Decrease Yields of Densely Planted Corn By mmhuffm2 The study’s findings could help farmers make better decisions about crop density and variety – whether conventional hybrid or GM... a
October 27, 2021 News, Water Yes, People Are Now Trading and Investing in Water as a Commodity By mmhuffm2 Heidi Schweizer comments on agriculture and trading water futures in a Discover magazine article. a
October 27, 2021 Water NC Farmers Dig in as EPA Considers Redefining ‘Waters of the United States’ – ABC11 By mmhuffm2 Andrew Branan explains the context of WOTUS and we hear from grower Brandon Batten who says more regulation could damage... a
October 12, 2021 Faculty, People Researcher Spotlight: Erin Sills By mmhuffm2 Erin Sills is the Edwin F. Conger Professor and Department Head of Forestry and Environmental Resources in the College of... a
October 5, 2021 Faculty, People CEnREP Welcomes New Affiliate Rajan Parajuli By mmhuffm2 Joining CEnREP’s group of researchers is Dr. Rajan Parajuli of NC State University. Parajuli is an assistant professor and extension... a
October 4, 2021 Alumni, People Our Amazing Alumni By mmhuffm2 Our alumni continue to “Think and Do,” even after they graduate from NC State University. Here are some of their... a
October 4, 2021 News CEnREP Begins National Search for Director By mmhuffm2 The Center for Environmental and Resource Economic Policy is excited to announce a national search for a permanent director is... a
September 29, 2021 Camp Resources Camp Resources XXVII Prepares Students and Promotes Research By mmhuffm2 Twenty-seven graduate student and young professional presentations, a panel discussion on the economics of biodiversity featuring Sir Partha Dasgupta, and... a
August 11, 2021 News, People Eric Edwards Named Interim Associate Director of CEnREP By mmhuffm2 Eric Edwards, an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, joined the administration team for the Center... a
July 19, 2021 Energy, News 2021’s Most & Least Energy-Expensive States – WalletHub Study By mmhuffm2 Harrison Fell: “One of the most important drivers of electricity prices is the local cost of generation. For example, prices... a
June 28, 2021 Forestry Watch: “The Economics of US Forests as a Natural Climate Solution” By mmhuffm2 CEnREP affiliate Justin Baker gave a webinar recently on forest carbon management with some collaborators and stakeholders from the federal... a
June 28, 2021 Energy Pennsylvania Considering Joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative; New Electric Costs for the State Explored By mmhuffm2 Pennsylvanians could see higher electric bills if they adopt RGGI, a cap and trade program that introduces a new price... a