CEnREP Affiliate Faculty to offer new graduate level course in development economics Spring 2017.
A new Ph.D. level course titled “Empirical Methods for Development Economics and Applied Microeconomics” will be offered in Spring 2017 by Raymond Guiteras.
The course will provide a survey of empirical methods in applied microeconomics, emphasizing development economics applications. The focus of the course will be in-depth, student-led discussions of empirical papers. In addition, students will gain practical experience through weekly lab sessions and applied problem sets. While the particular applications we study will come largely from development economics, the course is intended to be useful to students in diverse areas of applied microeconomics. The course will be offered Monday & Wednesday from 8:30-9:45 (and meets in 102 David Clark Labs) and on Fridays from 1:30-2:45 (meeting in 2112 Williams Hall).