Recent Publications

CEnREP affiliate faculty are active in their research and publish in many peer-reviewed journals. View a sample of recently published journal articles, organized alphabetically by last name of affiliate.


A decentralized approach to model national and global food and land use systems. Baker, J., Mosnier, A., Javalera-Rincon, V., Jones, S. K., Andrew, R., Bai, Z., … Zerriffi, H. 2023. Environmental Research Letters, 18(4).


Critical Market Tipping Points for High-Grade White Oak Inventory Decline in the Central Hardwood Region of the United States. Baker, J., Dhungel, G., Rossi, D., Henderson, J. D., Abt, & R. C., Sheffield, R. 2023. Journal of Forestry, Vol. 2.


Contributions of healthier diets and agricultural productivity toward sustainability and climate goals in the United States. Baker, J. S., Wu, G. C., Wade, C. M., McCord, G. C., Fargione, J. E., & Havlik, P.  2022. Sustainability Science, Vol. 11.


Forested watersheds provide the best water quality among land uses in the South, but the magnitude of this benefit depends on landscape context. Baker, J. S., Caldwell, P., Martin, K., Vose, J., Costanza, J., Frey, G., Gay, E., Libera, D., Mihiar, C., Nelson, S., Nehra, A., Warziniack, T. 2023. Science of the Total Environment.


How can diverse national food and land-use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative. Baker, J.S., Mosnier, A., Schmidt-Traub, G., Obersteiner, M., Jones, S., Javalera-Rincon, V., DeClerck, F., … Wang, X. 2022. Sustainability Science, Vol. 10.


Temperature and energy security: Will biomass energy help in the future? Baker, J. S., Favero, A., Yoo, J., Lucas, M., Daigneault, A.. Climate Change Economics. 


Pricing the Priceless: A History of Environmental Economics. Banzhaf, H. Spencer 2023. Cambridge University Press


Distribution and Disputation:  Net Benefits, Equity, and Public Decision Making. Banzhaf, H. Spencer. 2023. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis


The Value of Statistical Life:  A Meta-analysis of Meta-analyses. Banzhaf, H. Spencer. 2023. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 13(2), 2022, pp 182-97.


Bundling Private Complements to Finance Public Goods. Banzhaf, H. Spencer, and V. Kerry Smith.2022. Land Economics 98(3), pp. 440-60.


An Explanation of Ownership Rights in Property. Branan, Robert. 2022. NC Cooperative Extension Publication.


Conservation Agreements and Easements: Obligations, Modification and Termination. Branan, Robert. 2022. NC Cooperative Extension Publication.


Conservation Easements: Subdivision Considerations in Farm Succession Planning. Branan, Robert. 2022. Southern Ag Today.


Limited Liability Companies: Operating Agreement Components and Sample Language. Branan, Robert. 2022. NC Cooperative Extension Publication.


What is an Ag Gag Law? Branan, Robert. 2023. Southern Ag Today.


Biofuels policy and innovation impacts: Evidence from biofuels and agricultural patent indicators. Brown, Z. S., Nelson, K. P., & Parton, L. C. 2022. Energy Policy162.


Distributional policy impacts, WTP-WTA disparities, and the Kaldor-Hicks tests in benefit-cost analysis. Brown, Z. S. 2022. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management113.


Crediting temporary forest carbon: Retrospective and empirical perspectives on accounting options. Galik, C. S., Baker, J.S., Daigneault, A., & Latta, G. 2022. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Forest Management. doi:10.3389/ffgc.2022.933020/


Institutional stability and change in environmental governance regimes. Galik, C. S., Ba, Y., & Bobbitt, C. 2023. Policy & Politics. doi:10.1332/030557321X16806127945591


Planning for winter peaking power systems in the United States.Galik, C. S.,Keskar, A., & Johnson, J. X. 2023. Energy Policy, 173, 113376.


Social and financial incentives for overcoming a collective action problem. Guiteras, Raymond P., Bakhtiar, M. Mehrab, Levinsohn, James, Mobarak, Ahmed Mushfiq. 2023. Journal of Development Economics.


Climate Change and Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in the Coastal Carolinas: Perspectives from Wastewater Managers. Harrison, J.L., Vorhees, L., Humphrey, C., O’Driscoll, M., and J. Bowden. 2022. Weather, Climate & Society 14(4): 1287-1305.


Assessing interstate softwood roundwood trade in the Southern United States: A gravity trade model approach. Parajuli, R. and Lamica, A.*. 2023. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 53(3).


Assessing the Financial Viability of Growing Industrial Hemp with Loblolly Pine Plantations in the Southeastern United States. Parajuli, R.,Barnes, T.C*., Z. Leggett, and D. Suchoff. 2023.  Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6:1148221. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2023.1148221.


Economic contribution analysis of urban and community forestry in the southern United States in 2019. Parajuli, R., S. Chizmar*, A. Lamica*, E. Wiseman, J. Gordon, T. Ochuodho, S. Schons, J.E. Henderson, S. Mehmood, and L. Johnson. 2023. Journal of Forestry, 121: 217-223.


Understanding forest landowners’ attitudes, perceived risk, and response to Emerald Ash Borer in Kentucky. Parajuli, R., Adhikari, R.*, N. Poudyal, T. Ochuodho, O. Joshi, G. Dhungel, J. Munsell, S. Mehmood, W. Thomas, E. Crocker, and M. Zhou. 2023. Journal of Forestry, 121(2):157-167.


Credit credibility threatens forests. Sills, E.,Balmford, A., P. Brancalion, D. Coomes, B. Filewod, B. Groom, A. Guizar-Coutiño, J. Jones, S. Keshav, A. Kontoleon, A. Madhavapeddym Y. Malhi, B. Strassburg, T. West, C. Wheeler, and T. Swinfield. 2023. Science, 380 (6644), 466-467.


Frameworks, methods, and evidence connecting modern domestic energy services and gender empowerment. Sills, E., ,Das, I., T. Klug, P. Krishnapriya, V. Plutshack, R. Saparapa, S. Scott, N. Kara, S. Pattanayak, and M. Jeuland. 2023. Nature Energy.


Tiger protection brings carbon benefits. Sills, E. and R. Kramer. 2023. Nature Ecology & Evolution.


Estimating the Benefits of Stream Water Quality Improvements in Urbanizing Watersheds: An Ecological Production Function Approach. von Haefen, Roger H. et al. 2023. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,120(18): e2120252120


Distributional Effects of Entry Fees for Financing Public Beaches. von Haefen, Roger H., Lupi, Frank, and Li Cheng. 2022. Land Economics, 98:509-519


How Does Congestion Affect the Evaluation of Recreational Gate Fees? An Application to Gulf Coast Beaches. von Haefen, Roger H.& Frank Lupi. 2022. Land Economics, 98:495-508