Camp Resources 2022

Camp Resources XXVIII


The 28th edition of Camp Resources is scheduled for August 7-9, 2022 at the Cambria Downtown Asheville Hotel. You can now browse the Final Program. In addition to 27 outstanding presentations by graduate students and young professionals, we also have planned a learning tutorial by Professor Jay Shimshack of the University of Virginia on using EPA data to conduct environmental economics research.

Current COVID guidelines in North Carolina permit indoor gatherings, and we intend to vigorously follow all safety protocols during the conference, including mask-wearing and social distancing. All attendees must sign a liability waiver and are strongly encouraged to receive a COVID vaccine or booster at least two weeks prior to arriving in Asheville.

If you would like to attend in person, please contact Roger von Haefen (email below) as soon as possible. The registration fee is $150 for faculty and professionals and $75 for graduate students.

The room block at the Cambria Hotel is now closed. If you still need to secure lodging, we suggest you contact one of the local hotels in Asheville and commute to the conference. The hotel charges a modest daily parking fee.

A copy of the final program can be found here.

Questions? Contact Roger von Haefen at

We thank our 2022 Sponsors: